Work Happy

So... how's work? Really, how are you going?

Is work making you stressed, overwhelmed and tired?

Well you're not alone, especially if you are a manager or a business owner (or both!).

Helping people to Work Happy is my life’s passion.  I do this by sharing both the lessons I've learnt as a successful leader and CEO as well as the science of the human experience at work.  You can confidently implement tools and knowledge which will accelerate improvements and result in a happier workplace and life.

Imagine feeling like you are making the progress that you want and enjoying work. Wouldn't that be amazing?

Isn't it time that you were happy at work?

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One to One Coaching

Are you feeling like you are not quite reaching your potential? Or perhaps you are overwhelmed and stressed? Imagine feeling like you are making the progress that you want and enjoying work.  In One to One coaching you get game changing, focused advice that is backed up by real life business experience. Isn't time you started playing at the top of your game?

Working with Your Business

Frustrated about how your business is running?  Thinking that surely there must be a better way?  Does work feel like driving with a flat tyre? Let's get that tyre changed and transform your business. Use my experience to get a clearer understanding of what you want for your business.  We can then work together with you and your team to get the business you want.  Wouldn't that be great?

Get Katrina Onboard

Wouldn't it feel amazing to have the support you need?

Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness at Work

Is your working day busy and stressful? Imagine you and your colleagues being calmer,  happier and more productive.  I have a unique combination of business leadership and mindfulness practice.  My practical tools that can help your team be more mindful resulting in reduced stress, increased happiness and effectiveness.

"Katrina knows how to teach mindfulness in a work environment.  I totally recommend her."

Jacqui McLeod - Human Resources Assistant - Port Nelson Ltd

Mindfulness for Leaders and Professionals

Are you busy executive or professional? Owning your own business or in a senior position and feeling worn out and a little alone?  Imagine learning life changing mindfulness techniques and having a safe space to share what's really happening for you at work. I'm hand selecting a small group of up to 6 people to meet monthly to share and learn.  Its been incredibly transformative and supportive for those that have attended.  Investment is $74 a month for 6 months.  Enquire now for more information.

"Katrina has a unique combination of huge business acumen with an insight into the human behaviour, self-motivation and reflection. I love working with her and find her mindfulness teaching to be practical, knowledgeable and incredibly helpful."

Kay Chapman – Chapman ER